Flash Fiction

Her Silent Secret

The probing light didn’t break her desperate silence but it did reveal her silent secret.


This 15 word story was inspired by the photo prompt from Ronda Del Boccio courtesy of Rochelle’s always fun Friday Fictioners Challenge AND Sammi’s challenge to write about “silence’ in exactly fifteen words. For me, the photo and the idea of silence seemed a perfect match, so here we are …. 🙂

Haiku & Other Poetry, tutto e niente

Conditions for Love

to break me, condone

my sins fill a laundry list

plenty to choose from 

woman dark eye spooky
Photo by Rene Asmussen on Pexels.com

Thanks to the following for the inspiration (prompts) of laundry, condone, and plenty: Rag Tag Community Word Challenge and Fandango’s FOWC and One Daily Prompt.

Random Rants, tutto e niente

Lazy Day

selective focus photography of sleeping monkey on branch
Photo by Edoardo Tommasini on Pexels.com

The clarity of my ambition is often outmatched by the tenacity of my laziness.

I am feeling really really really lazy today, so thanks to Linda for the excuse to just Write One Line and to FOWC and Sheryl at One Daily Word Prompt for the word prompts (clarity/ambition) that perfectly fit my mood!

And oops-sorry I messed up the original link/name for the Daily Word Prompt