Haiku & Other Poetry, Random Rants, tutto e niente

Dangerous Dreams

in danger of hope

we resolve not to question

the dream of all dreams

close up photography of body of water
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Pexels.com

I live in Florida, so if you live in the States (or follow American politics) then you’ll understand my mood this morning. Careening between anger and despair. Trying to find hope by either looking closer to home (I’m proud of my community) or beyond the confines of this ridiculously racist state as a whole. But it’s tough.

Was I stupid to be hopeful?


Thanks to following for their photo and word inspiration even if everything was filtered through my dark mood!

Sue Vincent’s Wrote Photo Challenge


Putting My Feet in the Dirt

Ronovan Writes





30 thoughts on “Dangerous Dreams”

  1. I am with you – feeling the despair – and I’m not even American, lol. What’s happening in the U.S. is a macrocosm of what is happening everywhere. The pendulum has swung in a dangerous direction, I fear.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The difference in my tears is astonishing. Ten years I wept in joy. I couldn’t believe it was happening. I was on air. My students were giddy with happiness. Then two years ago, I cried for hours over night and then had to walk into my classes and see the faces of stunned and quite frankly scared young people. And then again last night. It’s a nightmare but I can’t wake up!

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      1. I couldn’t watch the results. Then we went to bed and after a long cry, just tried to console each other with happier news about our immediate world. Time to pull inwards and to be as kind to those around us as possible. That seems to be the only world we can affect for the time being.

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    1. It’s not all of us. If you look at a precinct map, the cities & their burbs (St Petersburg, Tampa, Miami, Tallahassee, and even Orlando) voted solid blue. Unfortunately the rural central and panhandle racists and the richy rich racists on both coasts are hardcore trumped. And the rest of us are screwed.

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  2. I live in one of the only Republican Districts in California, San Diego. And we may be about to send a Democrat to Congress, Mike Levin. There is hope! I do believe in hope! And we are the Majority in the House. Let’s pray the tide keeps turning that lovely deep blue water!!

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      1. Yes, Tina, I’m also trying to focus on the good things that happened, but it was especially hard yesterday with the Acosta press conference and the firing of Sessions and his replacement with a Trump loyalist. Reading about all the Trump rallies before the election also sickened me; I just keep waiting for the mobs who follow him to start doing the Heil Hitler salute.

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      2. It is truly frightening. His followers will ignore, applaud, or excuse his increasingly unhinged actions. And republicans apparently will go along with anything to stay in office. It’s disgusting. And I fear for our future.


      3. I do too. This is how it happens, little by little. The pipe bombs sent to political opponents, the synagogue shootings, the increasingly hateful rhetoric, the brainwashing of ignorant people. I started reading Exit West last night and see the small things that happen as a country devolves into civil war. Things like sporadic car bombings and shootings, leading to more pervasive violence. I now hate this window of time before the new Democratic House is sworn in. A lot can go down in that time span, and I’m certain it will.


      4. I had started Exit West months ago but put it aside as I was preparing to walk the Camino. I had to start it over again once I returned yesterday, but now I’m paying more attention as I begin again. If Mueller gets the boot, I’m just hoping he has accumulated enough evidence and sent it to the right people for safekeeping. Thanks so much for sharing your political views. I don’t share them much on my blog, because it’s focused on travel, but my Facebook page has plenty of my angst!

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      5. I’m pretty new at this blogging thing and I’m still trying to figure out my sweet spot. I wasn’t sure if I would do “political” and then I realized that it was showing up in my stuff even when I didn’t set out for that to happen. So … what the heck. I’ll just keep doing me–as the kids say and let the chips fall where they may. (And BTW I’ve not had time to check out all your travel logs but the ones I have. Wow!)


      6. It’s hard to keep our true feelings about life hidden, even in a travel blog. Believe me, my political leanings do come out, but you have to read to find them! Some people know my feelings about them very well, although I have to say I was never much interested in politics until I got my Master’s in International Commerce & Policy in 2008. Only during the 2016 election did my true feelings emerge!

        Just keep doing you! I think it’s the best way. That IS your sweet spot.

        Thanks for your nice words about my travel blog. It’s very extensive as I’ve traveled a lot, and I actually wrote 16 different blogs until I finally consolidated into this one. Those different blogs were way too much to handle! 🙂

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