Haiku & Other Poetry, tutto e niente

I Will Not Cower

I will not cower

from the fragments of my mind

To feel is to live  


Image credit; Kellepics- Pixabay

I’m feeling (and thinking) all kinds of things this week. End of the world? (Hope not.) End of TRump? (Yes please!) Do I have enough tp? (Are you kiddin’ me with that question!) Will my parents be ok? (YES! Yes?) Will I be OK? (?) Should I go to …? (Probably not.) And so on and so on ….

So I’m trying to feel the feels, think the thoughts, and then let then go and move on to the next thing. We’ll see how it goes 😉

So thanks to following for great prompts that allowed me to channel some of feels and thinks into words.

What Do I See  for providing an awesome visual and Ronovan Writes for the word prompts of “think” (I substituted feel) and “shrink” (I substituted cower).


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