Flash Fiction, Random Rants, tutto e niente

Old Eyes New Fringe

She blinked at her reflection. Was she destined to always be cast in the role of “mother”? Hell she thought. Let’s rock-n-roll. Chopping as she stared at her old eyes under the new fringe.

(34 words exactly)

The Battle of the Bang. I know it well! I’ve spent a life time chopping and growing and chopping and growing. (Oh … and coloring) 

One year ago: fullsizeoutput_409

This week: 3H7A7261

Next month: ?????

Thanks to Sammi Scribbles Weekend Writing Prompt

And to Linda and her SoCS writing prompt (roll/role)




6 thoughts on “Old Eyes New Fringe”

      1. I’m the same. And it’s not like I have a super high forehead to hide… but I always get fed up of NOT having them… (Makes us look younger, anyhow 😉 )

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